Why I Wear

"If you don't have the will, I will find a way."

Why I Wear

My name is Pam Eisenberg and I want to thank Gretel so much for the beautiful necklace that she designed!

I saw her on QVC and put the Classic Fortune Locket on my Wish List. Recently, I decided I would take the plunge and buy it for myself as I reminder that I should do good things for ME!

I've worn it every day since I purchased it. I work at Alzheimer's Association and my job and passion is to raise funds and awareness to support our families going through this horrible disease that has no cure...YET.

The note I got with my necklace is "Use Your Power For Good". It encourages me as I start the year and my commitment to help find a cure and hit my fundraising goal!

I'm now adding other wonderful notes to my collection so I can wear them every week. It was so hard to choose because they all inspired me, but here are the ones I ended up choosing:

"Be passionate and totally worth the chaos"
"Go out and kick some serious ass."
"Make self-care a non-negotiable"  
I'm actually going to make one of my own as well:
"If you don't have the will, I will find a way." 
That's my mantra for the year. I want to dedicate it to all of my caregivers who take care of their family members every day.

Thank you for your vision and for your beautiful necklace of love, hope and inspiration.

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